Computer Info

About Computer

Computer is an Electronic device that is design to work with information. The term Computer is derived form the Latin term Computer this means of calculate programmable machine. Computer can not do anything without a Program. The decimals number through the binary digits. The word Computer usually refers to the center processor unit plus Internal Memory.

Charles Babbage is called the Father of the computer. The first mechanical computer design by Charles Babbage was called analytical Engine. It uses read only memory in the from of punch cards. Computer is an advanced Electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes these data under the control of set instruction and gives the result and saves output form the future used. It can process both numerical and non-numerical calculations.

Digital Computer Definition

The basic computer of modern digital Computer are: Input device, Output Device, Central Process Unit (CPU).
Mass storage device and memory. A typical modern computer uses LSI chips.

1. Accept data
1. Input
2. Process data
2. Processing
3. Produce Output
3. Output
4. Store result
4. storage

Input Data: Input is the raw information entered into a computer from the input devices. It is the collection of letters, number, images etc.

Process: Process is the operation of data as per given instruction. It is totally internal process of the computer system.

Output: Output is the processed data given by computer after data processing. Output is also called as Result. We can save these results in the Storage Devices for the future use.

Computer Classification By  size and Power

Computer differ based on their processing abilities. There are any types of Computer classification.

According to functionality  Computer classified as:

1. Analog Computer : A Computer that represents number by some continuously variable physical quantity, whose variations mimic the properties of some system being modeled.

2. Personal Computer : A Personal Computer is a Computer small and low cost. The term Personal Computer is used to describe desktop computers.

3. Workstation Computer : A terminal or desktop computer in a network in this context, workstation is just a generic  for a user is machine in contrast to a "server" or "mainframe".

4. Mini Computer : Minicomputer is type of computer that process vastly of the feature ability of a large computer. Mini computer is a smaller size.  

5. Main Frame : It refers to the kind of large computer that runs an entire corporation.

6. Super Computer : It is the biggest, fastest, and most expensive computers on earth. It is Processes complex computation and calculation.

7. Micro Computer : Your Personal Computer is a Microcomputer.

Generations of Computers in India

First Generation Computer (1942-1955)
  • Initially, computers uses vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drum for memory.
  • The computer were huge, generated a lot of heat, consumed a lot of electricity, were very expensive and used batch processing operating system.
  • Main component of computer 'vacuum tube'.
  • In this computer Input and Output devices are not available.

Second Generation Computer (1955-1964)
  • Small and fast than compare of first generation computer.
  • In used of batch processing as well as multi-programming operating system.
  • Main component of computer 'transistor'.
  • In this computer Input and Output devices are not available.

Third Generation Computer (1964-1975)
  • Small size and fast than compare of second generation computer.
  • An IC is a combination of several transistors, resistors and capacitors on a single computer single chip.
  • Main component of computer 'IC (Integrated Circuit)'.
  • In this computer Input and Output devices are available.

Fourth Generation Computer (1975-1989)
  • Computer were now  small size, more reliable and multiple working.
  • Network and distributed operating systems were also used.
  • Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI) were inventory and used.
  • It is computer very fast speed .
  • Main component of computer 'CPU'.
  • In this computer Input and Output device are available.
Fifth Generation Computer (1989-till date)
  • VLSI become ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration).
  • Main component of computer 'AI (Artificial Intelligent)'.
  • Parallel processing hardware and the logic of AI (Artificial Intelligence) appear to be the main focus of this generation. 
  • It computer very fast speed with large storing capacity.

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