output devices

Output Devices

Following are few output device are used in Computer.

  • Monitor
  • Printers
  • Plotters
  • Projector
  • Computer Output Microfilm (CAM)
  • LCD projection
  • Speaker
  • Visual Display Unit
  • Film Recorder
  • Microfiche


A Monitor is an electronic visual display for computer. The display device in modern monitor is typically a Thin Film Transistor (TFT) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) thin panel, while older monitors used a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) about as deep as the screen size. The Organic Light Emitting Diode  (OLED) Monitor provide higher contrast and better viewing angles than LCD's but they require more power when displaying documents with white or bright background.
The monitor displays the computer's user interface and open programs, allowing the user to interact with the computer, typically using the Keyboard and Mouse.
Older Computer monitors were built using Cathode Ray Tube (CRTs), which made them rather heavy and caused them to take up a lot of desk space. Most modern monitors are built using LCD technology and are commonly referred to as flat screen displays. These thin monitors take up 
much less space than the older CRT displays. This means people with LCD monitors have more desk space to clutter up with stacks of papers, pens, and other objects.
Monitor can also be used as a verb. A network administrator may monitor network traffic, which means he watches the traffic to make sure the bandwidth usage is within a certain limit and checks to see what external sources may be attempting to access the network. Software programs may monitor the system's CPU performance as well as RAM and Hard Disk usage.
Monitors also refer to speakers used for monitoring sound. Audio engineers typically use studio monitors to listen to recordings. These high end speakers allow the engineers to accurately mix and master audio tracks. So a sound mixer could be monitoring a recording visually using a computer monitor, while monitoring the sound using audio monitors at the same. As you can tell, monitor serves as a rather multipurpose words.


A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to paper, usually to standard size sheets of paper. In general, more expensive printers are used for higher-resolution color printing. Printer vary in size speed, sophistication, and cost.


A Plotter is a computer hardware device much like a printer that is used for printing vector graphics. The plotter is a computer printer for printing vector graphics. In the past, plotters were used in applications such as computer aided design (CAM), though they have generally been replaced with wide format conventional printers. it draws pictures on a paper using a pen. A plotter gives a hard copy of the output. Plotters are used to print design of ships and machines, plans for buildings and so on. 
Instead of toner, plotters use a pen, pencil, marker, or another writing tool to draw multiple, continuous lines onto paper rather than a series of dots like a traditional printer. Plotters are used to produce a hard copy of schematics and other similar applications.
  • Plotters can work on very large sheets of paper while maintaining high resolution.
  • Plotters allow the same pattern to be drawn thousands of time without any image degradation.
  • They can plywood, aluminum, sheet steel, cardboard, and plastic.


A Projector or image projector is an optical device that projects an image onto a surface, commonly a projection screen. Projectors can magnify still or moving images depending on how they are built. The image must be shone through a sealed tube or frame when passing through the lenses to maintain focus.
The most common type of projector used today is called a video projector. Video projectors are digital replacements for earlier types of projectors such as slide projectors and Over Head Projectors (OHP). The newest types of projectors are handheld projectors that use lasers or LEDs to project images. 
Most projectors create an image by shining a light through a small transparent lens, but some newer types of projectors can project the image directly, by using lasers. A virtual retinal display, or retinal projector, is a projector that projects an images directly on the retina instead of using an external projection screen.

Computer Output Microfilm (COM)

Computer Output microfilm (COM)is a system that converts stored data directly to microfilm or microfiche. COM system as still used today, mostly by organizations who need to store payroll, accounting, insurance,  inventory, or employee data. Yet because most of these organizations have outputted the Computer Microfilm to microfiche, they have to manually search for record and use a reader printer to save out a particular file.

LCD Projection

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector is type of video projector for displaying video, image or computer data on a screen or other flat surface. To display images LCD projectors typically send light form a metal-halite lamp through a prism or series of dichroic filters that separates light to three poly silicon panels one each for the red green and blue components of the video signal. It is a modern equivalent of the slide projector or Over Head Projector (OHP). As Polarized light passes through the panels individual pixels can be opened to allow light to pass or closed to block the light. The combination of open and closed pixels can produce a wide range of colors and shades in the projected image.


Speakers in a computer system emit sound output. They come in two varieties external or in-built. There is a wide variety of external speakers available in the market. While some models are uncomplicated and emit mediocre sound, others have special features like equalization etc. These external speakers are connected to the PC with various types of connectors such as 3.5 mm stereo phone connector, RCA connectors or USBs.

Visual Display Unit (VDU)

Visual display Unit (VDU) is a computing device that allows for input by a user and output to a display, like a computer monitor. It typically consists of a computer monitor or similar display device and a keyboard, and could also include a mouse. In the united States, it sometimes referred to as a Video Display Terminal (VDT).

VDU is an older British term used to describe any device used with computer to display images. For example, a flat panel display and a projector are both example of VDUs, However, VDU is most commonly used to describe the CRT monitor, a now archaic standard that has been replaced by flat panel displays.

Film Recorder

A Computer output device used to generate color-separated film directly from a computer image file. Technically the same type of a device as an image setter although the term film recorder is used to refer to high-quality image setters. Also known as a color film recorder. A film recorder is also a device which generates a computerized image as a 35-mm or 4*5" color transparency, also in this case, known as an image recorder.


Computer output Microfilm system are still used today, mostly by organizations who need to store payroll, accounting, insurance,inventory, or employee data. Yet because most of these organizations have outputted the computer output microfilm to microfiche, they have to manually search for a record and use a reader printer to save out a particular file. 

A more feasible option is to convert Computer Output Microfilm to digital image via generation Imaging's microfiche scanning services. Generation Imaging specializes in Microfiche to PDF, TIFF, or JPEG conversions.

Using high quality/high production microfiche scanners, we convert the COM microfiche to digital. Generation Imaging provides this COM fiche scanning service to end users as well as other service bureau's. Clients can choose from adobe PDF format, Group 4 TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), or greyscale JPEFs and TIFFs can be wrapped in a multi-page file. Generation imaging offers an optional OCR (Optical Character Recognition) image processing and other indexing services (by folder or filename).

The end result of this entire process is a digital image which you could easily search the file containing records by name, account number, data, and social security number. Obviously this saves time and efficiency.

An important using output microfilm for document archival is its storage capacity. The Indiana Commission on Public Records states that a single, microfiche card and hold 230 images, and a 1-cubic foot storage box, containing 6000 cards, can hold 1,380,000 images. The commission concluded that if each of these images were to be printed on a single sheet of paper, their storage would require 460 boxes, as each would only hold 3000 pages.